Sunday 10 July 2011

Truth Seeker by C E Murphy

I will start by saying I absolutely love the Walker Papers series, and I have read the 1st of the Negotiator Trilogy, and looking forward to the next 2, which I have in the TBR pile, so I started this book with anticipation.

I admit that at the beginning I was almost going to give up as I have so many books in the TBR pile and in my Kindle, but I decided to keep on with it. The basic story is that Lara, who lives in Boston and is quiet intense sort of person, is out with her friend Kelly, who is quite extrovert and determined to get Lara to meet men. They bump into a local TV news weather man, along with his camera man and Kelly organises that they all meet later. We also discover that Lara has an ability to know when anyone is not telling the truth, she senses lies, also she can only tell the truth.

They go out for dinner and Lara is aware that although the weatherman, David, is telling the truth, there is something not quite right about him. Well there is, he is a fairy and is accused of murdering his brother in their own world, The Barrow-Land. He has been looking for a Truth Seeker to take home to help him discover what really happened to his brother. Having observed Lara he knows that she is a Truth Seeker and he needs her help, desperately.

Our heroine goes back to the Barrow- Lands with David to try and help him prove his innocence, and she finds lots to deal with there, from attacking bat like creatures, to a blind old soothsayer, to learning more about her skills, and eventually ending up in a war and captured by the enemy!

Our Lara manages to get back to Earth where she finds an another fine mess to try and sort out, she has been away for a day or so, yet on Earth she has been missing for 17 months! Also some of the creatures she met in the Barrow-lands arrive here too! Much action as we get near the finale, all good stuff, then find…….to be continued in the next, and last book.

I have the book on my wish list and will be buying it as soon as it is released!! This was an easy enjoyable read, my problem at the start, with hind sight, I realise was simply because I wanted it to be a Walker Papers book…………

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